Monday, September 18, 2006

September 18th, 2006 - BAH!

So this Monday started out with a speeding ticket. I frigging don't speed to work. Especially today, cuz I'm in no hurry to start a Monday y'all. EVER! Those of you who know me are laughing absolutely unfreaking controllably. (I'm NOT a morning person). Anyway... I guess I'll be going to court on this one. [NOTE TO SELF: No swearing in public court.] I have some new readers and emails in here in MSland and I want to personally say "Hello", "Aloha" and "Cocktails on me if you are ever in Minneapple."

Danny: Good luck starting a therapy and I hope that it agrees with you!
Michelle: Nice name! Glad you came by to say hi! P.S. I'm adding you to my blogroll and P.S.S. I love the pincushion cartoon. Heeeelarious! I think we have all been there.
Chris: You my dear are crazy. If I did karate, I'd be a human pretzel, too! Kidding. You are very ambitious and I'm glad you popped in to introduce yourself. I'm adding you to the blogroll as well.

To you regulars:

Camille - It is so nice to hear from you! I hope things get a little more calm.
Suzy - You rule! You rule! You rule! Can you read my mind lady? I swear you have the manual to my head.
Mdvondpa - I eat bluberries and rock fruit to the 9's. Now if the side effects from that (you know what I'm talking about) would go south. No pun intended here folks. Yikes.
Linda - The dark side made oatmeal chocolate chip this weekend. Email me your address and I'll send you fruits of my labor, er evil planning.
Aunt Peg, Dad and Ash - Thanks for the hello and worry!
Jaime- Hello girl! Hope all is well for you and good to hear from you.
LANEY - I love you! P.S. Four kids is nothing. Date a full-time volunteer firefighter AND his department involuntarily. GRR! Coffee it is. Name it lady, will travel.

ALL: I FEEL WONDERFUL TODAY! Now that my weekend was mellow, I got sleep. I spent time with my sister (rough patch for her, but improving) and she laughed again. My shots are on a regular basis and things are looking up. It's not that the side effects are an ongoing pain in the south forty, it's just that when the doctor and pharmacist can't get them filled on time, I get super whacked out physically and emotionally. I hate to be dependent on anything, but when my mood, my health and my energy levels are normal with Rebif, I'm not quitting. I may break
maybe to get my head back to a normal level (ha! normal, THAT is funny!), but I am not a quitter. At least not today, this month, or this year. I'm glad that my mental and physical health has smiled on me lately, because my relationship at home is poo. I'm invisible and today I'm ok with that. We'll see where it goes, one day at a time. He's gone for a week this week and
I can just be. I must go get some caffiene kids. I'm thinking vanilla latte. The kind you drink at 38 degrees with light snow and relish every sip. That KIND of vanilla latte sans snow. I'm just not ready for four letter "S" words today folks. Cheers all - have great weeks!


Charles-A. Rovira said...

Another Rebif user! Mazeltov (That's yiddish for "Good luck" :-)

I'm new to actually using these blogs as a social network but I im not a techno-newby.

I have a podcast ( ) and I'm looking for an audience. :-)

As you can tell from my using Rebif, I also have MS.

I've had it since 1967 (though officially I was finally diagnosed in 1985.)

I'd like to read/hear about your experience with injectables.

I know Chris is using Copaxone and is experiencing some problems with self injecting. (Lipo-athrophy)

I've kind of got the same problem. (I have very little body fat, on purpose. [On purpose! I'm a shadow of my former fat {220 pound (100 kilo)} self but I find that I'm actually happier and more mobile with my cane that way.])

Are you experiencing any injection site problems?

Have Myelin? said...

Hi Michelle! Did you know that I already had you bookmarked? thanks for stopping by to intoduce yourself.

Would it be okay to add your blog to my links? :-)

Not experiencing any injection site problems at all. Did have to learn to GIVE myself a shot without injection MISHAPS. That was the fun part! Now I treat it like a dartboard and just stab and squirt. LOL.

Miss Chris said...

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I'm a technological moron and can't figure out how to do that on my page!

mdmhvonpa said...

Yes, yes ... the southern exposure from fruit consumption. It is a dire situation at times.

Anonymous said...

Yo Ho Ho!!! Glad to see you back and writing as your witty self again...and if you DO swear in court, just pretend it's some sort of MS thing...shed a few tears, etc. Not that I've had any practice at this, mind you!

Linda D. in Seattle

mdmhvonpa said...


Have Myelin? said...

*bumpet-y bump*
*it's October 26th!*

So how are you now? I'm politely asking for an update!

Jaime said...

Hey girl! It is great to hear from you. Sorry it has taken me a while to get around to you. Things have been crazy busy lately. I am glad that you are doing about the speeding ticket though. Been there done that.

I hope this finds you still doing well. Take care of yourself.


Florence said...

I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!