Sunday, October 02, 2005

October 1st - 2nd, 2005

SUNDAY, 10/2
My mom sent us home with so much food, Lacey and I won't have to cook for a week. We're grateful, too, because we are lazy fools looking for jobs. My mom is so awesome like that. Still takes care of her girls when we aren't looking. We drove home and it was late when we returned. An 11pm arrival home and again off to bed at 1am. Grr. Good thing Lacey and I both had the day off. :o) Ok, I have more than a day, but you know what I mean.

Up and early today at 7:30am. Off to the local University homecoming parade. You know, in ten years my sister and I have never watched the darn thing. We had been too busy marching in it for marching band. Yes, we are a family of nerds. We took the liberty of watching to two younger sisters both play flute in separate bands in it. Yes, again, we are a family of nerds. Musical, lovable, humorous, nerds and we're close so don't knock it either. LOL. It was a good time. My sister Lacey had a graduation party for college at my parents house today starting at 4pm. It was adorned by more lovable family & friends. I had one beer. It's all I could stand. I was so tired, I had been studdering earlier in the day from no sleep anyway. I figured I already looked stupid, no need to push the issue. I was so full from helping my mom cook that I couldn't stomach any beer anyway. One rowdy drunk aunt and uncle later, a bunch of laughs, and a quick clean of the backyard and again it was 2am. Time flies when I am home. It seems that every night is a 2am night. As if that makes sense eh?

1 comment:

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